19 Januari, 2023

Tugas 2 Bahasa Inggris Niaga UT

 Human capital is all knowledge, expertise, skills, and creativity that are manifested in work abilities that can be used to produce professional services and economic value. Human capital, in principle, is part of human resource management, it's just that the management and development of human capabilities as a resource focuses more on increasing knowledge and skills that can support the development of an organization or company

Human capital places human resources at a higher degree level than just resources, but valuable assets that are valuable and beneficial to the organization or company. As a valuable asset, human resources can even be compared to an investment portfolio in which their performance can be developed and multiplied. Therefore, human capital does not view human resources as a cost that burdens finances and reduces the profitability of the organization.



Untuk TUGAS 2 ini anda akan diberikan pilihan topik untuk membuat sebuah essay dengan panduan sbb:

1. Buatlah essay dengan paling tidak 3 paragaph (1 buah paragraph awal, 1 buah paragraph

    isi dan 1 buah paragraph penutup).

2. Tulislah jawaban anda pada rentang antara 150-200 kata.

3. Jawaban essay diketik dan dikirimkan ke Forum Tugas dalam bentuk Word.


Pilihlah salah satu topik berikut:


A. The number of GDP can always tell whether a country is prosperous or not.

     Do you agree or disagree to the statement?


B. Human Capital can only be implemented successfully in a developed country (America, Britain, Japan, etc.}

     Do you agree or disagree to the statement?


Selamat Bekerja.




B. Human Capital can only be implemented successfully in a developed country (America, Britain, Japan, etc.}

The emergence and development of the concept of human capital is triggered by the maximum use of employees as resources. This means that employees must be ready to 'squeeze' their knowledge, expertise, skills and creativity for the benefit of organizational development and progress. Because, as a resource, employees will experience a decrease in productivity as they get older. In fact, not a few employees who feel that they are in a comfort zone, their performance is slacking. Before these human resources are 'exhausted', organizations or companies try to add and create value to develop their human resources.

The company manages employees in such a way as to improve work ability so that they can achieve performance at a higher level. This management can be done by creating intellectual capital and intelligence in communication and interaction with other employees through intensive education and training so that it can produce useful knowledge for company development.

Thus, I do not agree with the opinion that human capital can run successfully in developed countries such as America, Britain, Japan, etc. This is because in developing countries human capital can also be implemented well, even though developed countries are superior in various economic sectors compared to developing countries.

Because basically the key to improving the quality of human resources is continuous improvement of the quality of education without corruption and collusion in it. This can be done with the government's commitment to educational reform without the interference of parties who deliberately take advantage. This can be done outside the group of developed countries. Some examples are Finland, Singapore and South Korea. However, it is true that a country that has succeeded in increasing the quality of its human resources evenly can increase the level of progress of its nation.

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